Learn the basic skills to become a web developer

image of someone typing on a keyboard

What is this OER about?

Familiarize yourself with the teaching material


This OER material is intended for use as the first level of web technology development. It focuses on the skills needed to build, maintain, and administrate a website. At the beginning of the courses, students will learn how to construct and test code in different interfaces such as HTML, CSS, and HTML5. After that, the course will teach students how to explore different libraries and frameworks, customize existing routines or procedures in their code, and leverage code from past projects to develop code for a new one. At the end, students will demonstrate their coding skills by translating design requirements and instructions into a responsive implementation using different interfaces and frameworks, and host their class work through the internet.

The OER material is separated into four chapters. Each chapter has its learning outcomes, support materials, and some chapters have support videos. The support materials are downloadable and are in .pdf format, therefore before downloading the material you have to ensure that you have an application that can read the .pdf format

The OER material also has activities on HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap5. The activities are carried out as a complement to the learning of each chapter. Most of the activity have an activity description and an exemplary video.

At the end of this OER website is the projects section. The projects are intended to test how students can link what they learned from the chapters and form a project. Each project has a description of the project, how the project will be graded, and samples of work done by previous students.

Curricular Objectives Addresses by This Course

At the end of the course, student shall be able to:

  • Build and test code using text editor, and translate design instruction into code.
  • Translate design direction into a responsive implementation using different web development techniques such as HTML, CSS, HTML5, and bootstrap5.
  • Collect and use existing routines or procedures and integrate them into their code.
  • Customize frameworks, like a blueprint or a template, for their application.
  • Display ingenuity and initiative to resolve difficulties while working on individual or team project.
  • Deliver tasks on-time and match quality requirements.
  • Carry his/her share of the team’s load and work with people with a variety of ideas and participate in a team culture.
  • Communicate with instructors and colleagues on application and development of projects.

I want to give my thanks to my mother Wanxia who has taught me to trust in myself, in my abilities, and in my dreams. As my mom says: “always do with the best you can offer!”

I also want to give thanks to the support of OER in QCC that helped me organize the necessary documentation for the publication of this manual.

Huixin Wu

Web Technology Chapters

Start learning from the most updated web technology concepts

icon of a computer

Web Technology

Student will learn how the web works, the different type of internet browsers, web servers, screen readers, what do you see on a web and how it is created, what is HTML5, CSS3, frameworks, text editors, where and how to meet the community of web technology.
icon of a HTML5

HTML Basic

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content. MDN
icon of a CSS3

CCS3 Essential

Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.Wikipedia

icon of a Bootstrap5 logo

Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework (library) for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
icon of a computer and a website

Publishing Website

Hosting your website on a server

In this article, I'll walk you through one way that you can take your webpage and host it on your own server. Why would you want that? And what's a "server" anyway? When you visit websites on the internet, they are each hosted by a "server". A server is a computer located somewhere in the world that's connected to the internet, and that computer's job is to "serve" webpages to internet users that want to view them. Continue Reading

Hosting your website on Github

Github is a company that hosts "code repositories", collections of code for projects. Many of the code repositories are "open source", which means they're publicly available for the whole world to browse. That's awesome, because that's how programmers learn from each other and build on each other's work! Khan Academy has quite a few open source repositories. Code repositories can contain all sorts of types of code, not just HTML and CSS - whatever code is needed to make the project work. Continue Reading

icon of a web technology community

Keep your knowledge up to date

Web Technology Resource Communities

Codecademy logo
W3 Schools
Docs logo
MDN Web Docs
Khan Academy logo
Khan Academy

Class Activities

Practice your skills by completing each of the class activity

HTML and CSS Activities

1. How internet works?

image of computer

2. Basic HTML

image of computer

3. Basic CSS Properties

image of activity 3

4. CSS Color and Image Manipulation

images of activity 4

5. CSS animation

image of activity 5

6. Responsive Webpages

image of activity 6

7. CSS Slideshow

image of activity 7

8. CSS Modal Window

image of activity 8

CSS Frameworks, Bootstrap5, Activities

9. Informative Webpage

Creating basic informative webpage using Bootstrap

10. Basic Carrousel

Creating slideshow(carrousel) using Bootstrap5 classes

11. Modal windows in a sales webpage

Creating basic modal windows for a sales webpage

12. Responsive Grids

Creating resposive webpages using Bootstrap5 grids.

Class Projects

Build your professional projects

image of project1

HTML Project: Informative Website

Project 1 consists in creating an informative website. The information of the website is about a place (city, country, or state) where you want to inform people about that place, or talk about products, animals, people, enviroment, green planet, etc.
image of project2

HTML and CCS Project: iDesign

Project iDesign consists of students creating graphic memories using web technology. This graphic memory has the purpose of self-reflecting on the difficulties that each Technological Engineering student has or is facing with discrimination of any kind.
image of project

HTML and CSS Project: Sales Website

Sales Website project consists of creating a sales webpage. The purpose of Sales Website project is to use the knowledge of colors, image manipulation, animation, and modal window to create a simple sales page.
image of project

HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap Project: Professional Portfolio

Portfolio project consists of creating a professional/academic portfolio. The purpose of this project is to use the knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5 to create a simple portfolio website.